Sunday, January 4, 2009

ERIS appearing over the Woden valley, Canberra

click on image to enlarge


kris said...

I like this. It some how makes red look peaceful... I know that is not the point... but the face is quite serene... maybe she just destructed something and is having a flush of post-destruction endorphins?

Anonymous said...


Edgar said...

O Miss M, don't say that about Eris, she will bring destruction down upon us all. And anyway I thought you might like the idea of her swollen with blood from the Tuggeranong valley laying waste to Woden, and then see how her hand creeps towards Civic with menace aforethought.
Whilst Miss K I don't think the face is serene at all, malevolent more like, maybe you didn't see the larger size picture, if serene I have failed.

Anonymous said...

Can She please raze Belconnen next then.