Monday, July 28, 2008

Some points

I think as this blog seems to be continuing that maybe I should mention.

My job is to select and archive those sections of the Australian web that I believe (and fit within selection policy) are of long term cultural and research value. Whilst everything is of value, I do have to make judgements, purely because of the constraints of staff time and resources. I therefore view an awful lot of Australian websites and blogs, some of which I archive. But due to my role, I am not going to link to any, and also for the same reason don't ever comment on other's Australian blogs either, as I don't want to seem in any way partial, and really don't want to find myself archiving my own comments. So whilst I could be pointing to a whole load of great online Australian content, I'm not.
But anyway, you could go find it yourself if desired.

So we have established I don't talk work here, as a public servant I also don't talk Australian party politics here, for their privacy I don't talk about my kids, which leaves my vegetarian and general meanderings, doodles and literary efforts. Just so as you know, no I don't post them because I think they are great, I post because there is someone to post for and because I believe in the Internet. The Internet consists of vast amounts of material that primarily individuals have bothered to put online, how could I continue to use and enjoy all that others had produced, and yet not feel a debt to add to it in some way.

To quote Isaac D'Israeli
"To pass much of our time amid such vast resources,
that man must indeed be not more animated than a
leaden Mercury, who does not aspire to make some
small addition to his library, were it only be a critical

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