Thursday, July 17, 2008

Melbourne Shuffle

Well you live and learn - thankfully. So I have only been to Melbourne the once, but still this dance 'craze' has been going for a while without my knowledge. The Melbourne Shuffle an Australian (sort of) original dance style.

There are hundreds of videos out there here's just one
there are also numerous websites. Having sat here watching YouTube video examples of the dance this afternoon (that's my job) there seems to be a reasonably large divergence among those doing the style, but it's a style none the less. There seems to be an oldskool version and a more emphatic staccato younger persons version. The oldskool style is far more attractive to watch and includes a lot more interesting hand movements. Anyway I will try and get archival permission to grab some examples for posterity.

This eve I'm at my Swing dance class, but later I'll be practicing this on the kitchen tiles, never you fear.

1 comment:

martin said...

Swing class huh? Sounds groovy, hope yr going to post a video clip on YouTube