Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


When all around is melodrama, much the better option is to spend ones time sewing a sockmonkey.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Working holiday

This is me practising for a holiday in Eretz Israel. I say holiday, but in fact I will mostly be doing volunteer work, bulldozing palestinian terrorist's houses.

A bit apt

When two lovers meet, then
There's an end of writing
Thought and Analytics:
Lovers, like the dead,
In their loves are equal;
Sophomores and peasants,
Poets and their critics
Are the same in bed.

W.H. Auden (Heavy date, 1939)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Jesus rally

Easter Sunday in the, I now know vain, hope that the Jesus rally in Glebe Park (Canberra) would turn into a riot against capitalism and sin, I attended. Instead of an orgy of destruction, overturned cars, hospitalised policemen and the delightful smell of molotov cocktails, there was prayer and singing. Satan was renounced and repudiated but the power structures, edifices and other symbols of Australia's fascist capital remained unharmed.

Muted attendance, some singing

But there were Balloons

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Survey FAIL

Survey Closed

Anatoliy Karpov, is my favourite Grand Master and he received the most votes (3). Well done those who got the correct answer. It means of course this blog will continue, happy now?

Someone voted for Nigel Short, don't know who, but I am laughing at you!

Update not really laughing, thank you for participating.


Ok, Now I love Kevin Rudd, why? See here and here

So very Pink

Thanks Lise for tip.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Coach trip to Wagga Wagga goes awry

When they took my luggage off the coach, I suspected nothing (I think they suspected something). Anyway, one "controlled explosion" later I have no (well few) pink clothes.
Now I know I launched a desperate campaign for Walkers cheese and onion crisps only recently, and this is not an charity site, but bear in mind those crisps weren't for me but for Colombian terrorists, so I am appealing once more for you all to HELP!

What is required is pink garments (mens size small) either advice as to where to buy them or donations of same.

P.S. Oh and no, they released me, pending further investigations, which means they are going to forensically examine some singed cotton and I would think a now very foxed copy of Murakami's After the quake. I can't believe they will pursue the case whatever it is that they thought I was doing/carrying. Also, the coach company refused to take me after this roadside catastrofuck, they did refund me the ticket money though. So Wagga Wagga remains thus far this weekend unvisited. I am actually going to Albury Wodonga soon for the wearable art thing soon, so I might make a side trip, we shall see. My wearable art btw is an upside down hat with some nice batik work, it's a bit Jasper Conran, but this is country Victoria so, heh, no one is going to know. Bitch, much!

P.P.S. Yeah, and it's not as though I never gave you anything.

Insurance company won't pay up! and I have to wait and see if I am charged with any offence. If the police don't charge me I can sue apparently, but the insurance company said don't expect to see anything for at least 2 years! Did I mention it before, HELP!
Ooh, just remembered $900 Rudd money coming through this week, forget I asked, miser.


Inc. Jimmy Saville!

Jarvis and Sir Jimmy

Friday, April 3, 2009


Librarians are supposed to know a thing or two
Why then did I happen to find
In the fiction shelves, these books most of all
Strange to find and remember
Not all librarians know what is false and what is true

Thursday, April 2, 2009


We have now a guitar. A #1 cannot be far off.

G20 demo

This banner means you.

Photograph: Bruno Vincent/AFP/Getty Images

April Fool

April Fool from the Guardian, it's funny.

"Currently, 17.8% of all Twitter traffic in the United Kingdom consists of status updates from Stephen Fry, whose reliably jolly tone, whether trapped in a lift or eating a scrumptious tart, has won him thousands of fans. A further 11% is made up of his 363,000 followers replying "@stephenfry LOL!", "@stephenfry EXACTLY the same thing happened to me", and "@stephenfry Meanwhile, I am making myself an omelette! Delicious!""


I find it tedious at times that half of the visitors to this blog come only to this page, which is about my bibliography, but also has a mention of PETA and ta da! a semi nude photo of Sophie Monk. But then when you get a hit from a Seminary for the photo you know it's worthwhile. I can write and post whatever, I note the lack of enthusiasm for my Erich Honecker post, that took AGES to make and contains enormous hidden depths, but it will never have the cachet of female nudity, so all is right with the world, then.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009