Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Another anniversary

Today 31 March marks the 20th anniversary of the shooting death of a bird by Erich Honecker.
Why, you ask is that of importance, well because this was the last bird killed during the last hunting trip taken by Honecker whilst the leader of East Germany. Somewhat ironic is that among a group of pigeons, Honecker chose to shoot a dove.

The bird in question is third from the left.

After being shot by Honecker.


Update 2
Hey big response, everyone (cept 3 time voter, ta). I can't make this truly WEB 2.0 compliantly interactive, if you don't interact!
If you are one of those who didn't vote, you are banned, do you hear BANNED!

Spassky of the hair is leading, sorry did you miss the fucking tip!

Please see/enter Quiz on right. If nobody enters an answer (or enters the wrong answer) I will forthwith remove the blog from public view, permanently (yes, I would).
Below are pictures of the Grand Masters to help you decide. (tip: do not base your answer on their hairstyles).

Note: it's my favourite, not yours, you are voting on. I don't care who your favourite is.

Spassky and Fischer

Kasparov and Short (obvs)

Korchnoi and Karpov

Censorship site defaced - it's not funny

Update . Funnier April Fool joke from Zdnet - Thanks Martine

Also even funnier backtracking.

134, take us there

To Tottenham Court Road

OMFG this bus passes the Library, my mum lives across the street

Monday, March 30, 2009

I went on holiday by mistake

A trip to Merry Beach .

The beach was fine, but the sea was too wavy for swimming.

The rock had messages.

Starfish, which I have never seen in the wild before, abounded.

The cliffs were dramatic.

The sea was Pacific in parts.

I found a shrine nestled in the rock, to a father presumably lost at this site. A fag and a VB left as poignant offerings.

Heading back to Canberra for a day with childrens, Sunday morning 7am ish coming up to Braidwood, the sun came up through the mist.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Innovative Ideas Forum

The Twitter exchanges going on during the Innovative Ideas Forum, which I attended today can be found here and here.

Below is a Wordle of the last sessions Twitters

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

10 years on

24th March marks the 10th anniversary of the beginning of the bombing by NATO of Belgrade.

Just wanted to say actually, I'm still furious about it. If ever there was a war built on lies this one was it.

Oh, and it's also the 100 year anniversary or so, since the publication of the Futurist manifesto (discussed previously here somewhere).


Jude Law is playing Hamlet

- Wyndham's theatre, (0844 482 5120), 29 May-22 August. Buy me a fucking ticket.

Last Saturday in Tuggeranong


New jumper (is wool, but bought second hand so doesn't count). Winter wardrobe sorted by the Salvation Army - thank god

Water Dragon at Lake Tuggeranong

A complete day of fun is always possible but seemingly only when in Tuggeranong. The day concluded with probably the last swim of the season in the Murrumbidgee. Canberra=death but some days with little people are happy there.

Antony & the Johnsons

I love this song, there is no hidden message, it is simply divine and it makes me dance in a rarely and strangely uncoordinated fashion, not so much the video but the album version. I saw Antony play in Sydney a while back, and he is the only artist to make me both scream and want to weep like a demented fan.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I found your Bear

I found your Bear lying down in the playground, I knew it was yours because I had not lost one. I left it on the climbing frame thing, it should still be there.


Saturday, March 14, 2009


And I have not forgotten
That what is left behind
Nobody really sees
Left unused, between
What has been written so often on these same keys

Nor is it what it often seems
What gain, what loss
This new winter
Coming, once again, how often
New dawning of cold mornings
Old ones not forgotten

Your summer, beginning again
An unknown opening story
And I have nothing to give
That hasn’t been given
Except again, words unbidden
And restless nights, taken as given


Thanks P. it is indeed the best of both worlds.
- Gunter Grass

Canberra Balloon Festival

This large member of the Kingfisher family was a little too interested in #1 son.

The ladybird looked a little more benign.

Taken around 6.45 am, due to cloudy conditions the balloons had to stay tethered. But nice anyway. Only problem was my hair, getting up in the dark and leaving in the dark, I did nothing with it, imagine my horror as the sun came up to find the public viewing my morning hair. There were no scenes of mayhem, but that's only because I kept my head down, although obviously seething with rage at my predicament.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

At Insane Asylum Wrestling, Canberra

Gimp, with his teddy before match

Gimp places Teddy in ring

Teddy ready to rumble

Teddy loses

Apologies for poor quality - camera phone

Friday, March 6, 2009

Crisp packet emergency

Have been kidnapped by FARC, please send above crisps immediately to secret address in Canberra.

UPDATE 09.00 hours AEST
: Negotiations continue. Wotsits due for arrival April 2009. Crisp emergency still ongoing.

UPDATE 20.00 hours AEST
: Topic bars x3 on way. Negotiations continue. Crisp emergency still ongoing.

UPDATE 11-03-09 14.00 hours AEST
: Topic bars x3 arrived, prompting great joy, unfortunately circumstances have made the eating of them currently impossible. Negotiations continue. Crisp emergency still ongoing.

UPDATE 12-03-09 08.00 hours AEST
: Negotiations have stalled. Captors are planning on allowing me to make a trip to Sydney to buy crisps, exact date unconfirmed. Crisp emergency still ongoing.

UPDATE 12-03-09 21.00 hours AEST
: Topic bars x3 consumed. Sydney trip provisionally scheduled 22nd March. Crisp emergency still ongoing.

UPDATE 23-03-09 22.00 hours AEST
: Sydney trip successfully concluded. Crisps slightly disappointing, chocolate above expectations. Release by FARC imminent. Crisp emergency over.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Australia 0 Kuwait 1

Not really a shocking loss, Kuwait managed to confuse Australia by playing football.

Unfortunately there was the largest ever Canberra Football attendance to see it. Not a good result to attract future crowds.

Sunday, March 1, 2009