Monday, May 31, 2010

King crisps

These King crisps from Ireland state that they are 'simply superior'. This is a very surprising statement considering the competition in Ireland given by the leading manufacturer Taytos.

In my opinion Taytos crisps are far superior, in taste, colour and quality of potatoes used. I am therefore wondering in what way do King crisps think they are simply superior, and in comparison to what. Obviously they are superior to any Australian crisps, but this is not hard as all Australian crisps (chips) are generally vile.

This is not an issue which is causing huge amounts of visible community anger here in Canberra, but certainly there is a sense of simmering tension. Whether that tension boils over into scenes of violence that nobody wants to see, is a matter of some conjecture.

Considering that Canberrans must travel to Sydney (as I did) or other State capitals to get these crisps (above) in speciality stores, is certainly a factor in controlling public disquiet. Most Canberrans are not even aware that there are foreign crisps available to be bought in Australia.
If they were aware of the quality that is available elsewhere, they would almost certainly be digging up the firearms they buried during the gun buyback of 1997.

If they then discovered there was a brand of crisp claiming to be simply superior, when quite clearly they are not (in a like comparison), it is almost certain that there would be a crisis of confidence in the whole structure of Australian society.

I am not saying that King crisps are going to cause such a crisis as was caused by the failings of the US Subprime market, but certainly when confidence in institutions is shattered there is always the chance of a catastrophic economic meltdown. While collapse of the Australian markets will not seemingly have an effect on the rest of the world, apart from a reduction in the price of some raw materials, I think King crisps should try and stem wild speculation.


GreenPea said...

Crisp debate is very important. Can you get Kettle Chips in Canberra?

Edgar said...

Not as far as i am aware, but then I dislike Kettle chips as they are too crunchy

Anonymous said...

Of course you can get Kettle chips in bloody Canberra

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they are any good though, I don't like potato crisps at all

Anonymous said...

Why have crisps when you can have mashed potato with peas and gravy?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Strawberry and rhubarb

Anonymous said...

Lemon meringue

Anonymous said...


GreenPea said...

Gasp! Not like potato crisps?? How can that be?

Mashed potato, peas and gravy are all excellent, but they don't work very well while sitting on a park bench.

Edgar said...

So very true, crisps are the perfect snack food, anytime, anywhere

Anonymous said...

I concede these points

Anonymous said...

Crisps are wonderful