Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tony Blair speaks the truth, again

Mike Huckabee -
I don’t pretend for a moment to understand American politics very well and I certainly don’t understand British politics but why so many of these inquiries? There’s been four and they’ve all been relentless, they haven’t really mined any new ground

Tony Blair -
I think it’s partly because we have this curious habit, I don’t think it’s confined to Britain actually, where people find it hard to come to the point where they say we disagree – you’re a reasonable person, I’m a reasonable person but we disagree.
There’s always got to be a scandal as to why you hold your view. There’s got to be some conspiracy behind it. Some great, you know, deceit that’s gone on, and people just find it hard to understand that it’s possible for people to have different points of view and hold them reasonably for genuine reasons.

So I think there’s continual desire to sort of uncover some great conspiracy when actually there’s a decision at the heart of it – but there it is.

As usual Blair makes sense, you may loathe him and believe that he went to war for oil or somesuch nonsense, that just makes you a conspiracy nut and an idiot.

And on another point, why oh why, is Clare Short still allowed out in public.

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