Tuesday, February 2, 2010

No loop, but a triangle

scale of left and right wing
It was recently said to me that the further Left or Right on the political spectrum that you go, you end up on the other extreme, as though political views were on a form of loop or Ouroboros. This analysis was originally proposed by Left wingers to explain why all left social experiments became hideous failures, and then to deny that the original protagonists were Left wing to start with. Thus Hitler and Mussolini who’s policies of nationalisation, collectivisation etc. etc. where clearly of the Left are now projected as Right wing.
We all in fact know however that Socialism and Communism and all other Left wing isms threw up dictators because dictatorship was inherent in the theory.
It is also clear that the most destructive part of the Left ideology - systemic racism was also part of the Left agenda. In Australia for instance, the Trades Unions started a ‘Left wing’ political party (The Labor Party) for the single reason of repudiating the British Empire who were trying to install an non-racist immigration policy. You see contrary to general mis-thought, Empire was about trade not racism, it was about making customers and not slaves. Capitalism, which you could say ‘puts profit before people’, does exactly that and has no concept of race, as everyone is an economic unit equally. Remember also that it was Mercantilism that propounded slavery, Capitalism eroded it just for that reason.
Money doesn’t care about race, it seeks to extract the most value. Capitalism will exploit any resource, any people anywhere.

But to get back to the point, there is no line between Left and Right and going to extremes does not make one end up as the other. I would say that essentially Left and Right are interchangeable and indistinct in their fundamentals.

So no loop instead I say a form of triangle, in that political parties or ideological groups, beyond their actions or policies have basic beliefs about people. These are more important.

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