Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby jeebus it gets worse. Senator Conroy now wants YouTube to self censor on the 'governments' behalf. See here and here.

Sensibly it appears YouTube (Google) has initially said no to Conroy's demands.

Conroy initially introduced his Internet filtering censorship legislation with the stated intention of combating child pornography, a reasonable thing to do, with some support. However as all the experts and the netterati then went on to tell him, his Internet filter plan would do nothing about it. But still he persisted.
As the YouTube filter plan shows, his plan had nothing to do with pornography, it is about political and social censorship. It is about banning and filtering things that the 'government' doesn't think is suitable for Australians to see. That is information on:
Illegal computer downloading/hacking etc.
How to make drugs/bombs
How to commit various crimes
Euthanasia materials
Abortion materials
Pro-ana and Pro-mia materials
BDSM and fetish lifestyles
Hate speech
Direct action political campaigning
Whistle-blowing materials (such as WikiLeaks)
etc. etc.

Now you may not support many of these activities and most are unpleasant, but that is not good enough reason to ban them.
As everyone knows, YouTube is very strict on what is made available on its site and is very proactive in deleting pornography or other copyrighted or illegal content, thus there is no pornography or generally illegal content on there. What the 'government' is wanting to have removed therefore is not pornography as it continues to claim but videos by such Australians as Dr Philip Nitschke. It is a censorship regime being planned that is only matched by dictatorships. And no this isn't a conspiracy theory.

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