Friday, January 29, 2010

Salinger est mort

Apparently Salinger continued to write and these manuscripts will now hopefully be published, unless of course he destroyed them recently. We can but wait for the executors to make an announcement or come to a decision. I for one am looking forward to see what happened to the Glass family, Franny in particular.

If you want to view all his works in full text online they are here.

Franny and Zooey, go together with Le Grand Meaulnes and Les Enfants Terribles as important books of my late teenage years. It would be nice to have an addition to any of them.

I was never the greatest fan of Holden Caulfield, although the character has some charm, I never found the book spoke to me. An examination of that wealthy preppy NY society was forever surpassed for me by the characters in Metropolitan, which although a film, covers much the same ground only being better than the book. If you haven't seen the film, it's your loss, but here are some of the quotes from it




GreenPea said...

What about The L-Shaped Room? Was that not a book of your teenage years?

Edgar said...

No, someone else methinks. I hates the kitchen sink