Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Poetry tour

So the dead poets tour was also completed. I got to travel from Hull to Cornwall, taking in London and surrounds. I never made it Bournemouth to see the resting place for Shelley's heart, traffic and weather stymied that trip on the way down. I also stomped around East Coker (nr Yoevil) churchyard for an hour looking for T.S. Eliot's memorial, only to find later there were 2 churches in this tiny town, and I was at the wrong one. But I got to see Larkin's grave and his workplace at the University of Hull. Betjeman's graveyard was by an ancient church that was for years buried in sand dunes, and then dug up in the Victorian era and was as fittingly picturesque as should be.

I did get to see where Keats lived (above) and gosh right next door they have a lovely public library.

Just look at the ceiling of it.

I didn't get to Rome for Byron, but did get to see the most marvellous 'documentary' on him made by Rupert Everett. An interview with Everett here on it It is well worth finding and watching.

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