Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Update 2
Hey big response, everyone (cept 3 time voter, ta). I can't make this truly WEB 2.0 compliantly interactive, if you don't interact!
If you are one of those who didn't vote, you are banned, do you hear BANNED!

Spassky of the hair is leading, sorry did you miss the fucking tip!

Please see/enter Quiz on right. If nobody enters an answer (or enters the wrong answer) I will forthwith remove the blog from public view, permanently (yes, I would).
Below are pictures of the Grand Masters to help you decide. (tip: do not base your answer on their hairstyles).

Note: it's my favourite, not yours, you are voting on. I don't care who your favourite is.

Spassky and Fischer

Kasparov and Short (obvs)

Korchnoi and Karpov


veritas said...

sucked in bitch, i voted twice.

win! i defeated your system. hahahah...

plus the comment thing.. with the words... says 'flabb'. hehehe.

martin said...

i wouldn't know one from the other, apart from the spotty english kid

Anonymous said...

Totally should be based on the fucking hairdos, anyway

GreenPea said...

I ignored the hair and went for something else distinctive.