Sunday, October 12, 2008

Accumulated epic fail

So anyway quel surprise, the orgone accumulator idea has all gone to shit. I don't know why I even bothered trying to make it now, it looked so simple, but my measurements were wrong, the wood split and then I got angry and smashed it all and god, I hate myself so much.

The whole mess is now consigned to the dustbin of history.


Anonymous said...

Orgone all gone? *sniffles*

Maybe your next project should be a perpetual motion machine? They look much easier.

Edgar said...

Thanks, but I don't think I'm ever going to try and build/do anything ever again. I'm so embarrassed as it is that I'm considering changing my name to Miranda (from The Tempest, I've always liked the name) and moving to New Zealand, and I still have no idea what I'm going to say to Kate Bush.

GreenPea said...

Commiserations and all that, but if you don't want the wood can I have it? I might have a go at seeing if I have better luck. I quite fancy being branded "The Second Cult of Sex and Anarchy".

Edgar said...

The wood is all smashed, you live on a different continent, but otherwise, sure it's all yours. I've actually since found out that you can buy an Accumulator ready made and would maybe suggest you go that route.

martin said...

"The Second Cult of Sex and Anarchy" sounds enticing.

Never mind old boy, Wilhelm had it tough as well and look where he ended up.

Edgar said...

He ended up dead in prison! unless one is Genet, I can think of better endings.