Saturday, September 27, 2008


Went to see this performance. I'm a sucker for any dance really, but this was lovely. The dancing was good and sometimes inspired, the choreographers had made really good use of the gallery space, so that we watched the dancing from numerous vantage points, on stairs, through windows and really nicely done through archways (both structural in the building and through one which is an artwork in the Asian collection) as well as when they moved around and amongst the moving audience.

And surprisingly it did make me appreciate the artworks in a new way, the permanent collection at the National Gallery is small and relatively unchanging, and as such somewhat underwhelming, but happily not this time. Apart from a Cy Twombly sculpture, which we were advised by staff to be careful of, god knows why it is shit, like all his works. I think I initially disliked him because of the look of his name (yes I can be that petty) but actually, although normally sensible people tell me different, I think his art is utterly pointless, ugly and decidedly boring.

The video is of the work in rehearsal/progress. The female part was pretty much completely different, the male part (Brian Lucas) was the same, in that he remained (in my perception) as the stable centre gallery viewer.

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