Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Chrystie Hill talk

As a librarian I get to go to many many meetings and presentations. Today however, I went to one I actually enjoyed - Chrystie Hill from WebJunction - so nice to hear such a positive view of libraries and how they can interact and serve and create community. The first part of the talk discussed place and community building, the second an exposition on WebJunction. For the longest time I haven't heard anyone in the library world talk about the role of place or community within libraries and so I really enjoyed this as I am intrigued by the sense of place, and it is really why I went into librarianship in the first place.

As a child I found in my local public library a space that I found immensely warm and accepting (even comforting), it would be nice if we could create an online environment for library users as conducive.

On my must read list now is Great good place ... which she mentioned in her talk.

1 comment:

chrystie said...

Hi Edgar! It was so nice to meet you at the National Library earlier this month. Thank you so much for your positive comments about my talk. It's great to hear when I have a kindred community builder spirit out there in libraryland.

Please keep in touch.
