Wednesday, July 16, 2008

God and gods

So maybe I should add a few more ill-thought-out words about the idea of *god* than was given in a previous post as I don't want you going away worrying about whether you are a god or not.

We can look at the world in a few ways, as an empirical entity, a physical existing world where we briefly appear as tiny objects moving across a greater body, our role as defined by nature to carry out a single purpose - the production and dissemination of genes, part of a long chain of development leading to a future being/life that is superior to ours. In some ways a viral construct honing and spreading life. In this view there is no *god*, but an idea of distinct purpose that can in some peoples view be seen as acting in a godlike way.

We can also see ourselves as part of the creation/imagination of a single *god*, small players again within a larger undefined universe. Objects within a world we never made, with rules that we cannot keep and with rewards we cannot know. Personally I see this religious world in the words of Philip Larkin as:
'That vast, moth-eaten musical brocade
Created to pretend we never die'

Or we can see the world as a construct of ourselves, a world created by our senses and (depending on our sense of self) mutable and malleable to us.
This world exists only in our senses, it is shaped by only what we know and feel. It is unlike any other because it is solely determined by us, thus when we die so dies this world. This type of world, my world, your world, is maybe the only world we really have access to see and interact with. In this world we are the only gods merely because we are its only inhabitants. It is a singular world indeed. In this way the idea of world does not really exist at all but is only an abstraction, a construct among billions of single entity's constructs. Some few we interact with, but our interactions do not diminish the truth that we do not see or share an 'idea of the world' in at all the same way. No-one can live or feel another's world, tho they may share the same plane of existence. This is a lonely world, and probably best not thought of. This is maybe why humans have such a marked desire to communicate - to communicate their world to others, to show what their world looks like, is this the root and purpose of all communication, to try and break out of your own world into another’s, or to allow others into yours.

All of these views of the world we should also understand are human made. The scientific is only a set or sum of human knowledge and experience distilled into a system, as is the sense of god. If we understand that all ideas come from the same human place and use much the same methodology to reach their conclusions, then we see that we are and have only ideas and ideas are the playthings of the mind.

1 comment:

martin said...

and the mind itself is nothing but an idea, a foolish whim on a summer's day