Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday - final personality test

OMG it's Friday and I have nothing to say, except, of course that I have nothing to say.

Ha! No in fact I have another personality test, this one gender neutral. Test yourself, test your friends. Why do I keep making them, well, because you can't stop me. OK this is the last.

To use this simple and foolproof personality test, simply choose which is your/another's favourite film from the below list and then see below for an instant analysis. (Note this test does not ask which is the best, but which you/they prefer)

Battleship Potemkin
Fight Club
Groundhog Day
Love Actually
Sons of the Desert
The Blues Brothers


Battleship Potemkin – People who like this film are more in love with other people as a concept than in actuality or within relationships. They will always put others second.

Fight Club – People who like this film think they are profound and deep, in fact they are neither, they are losers with a falsely elevated sense of self esteem.

Groundhog Day - People who like this film are wise and kind, they will see through others imperfections and love them all the same (if they can enjoy this film even though it has the horrendous Andi McDowell in it then surely they can forgive your annoying pecadilos).

Love Actually – People who like this film are charming. They give this answer either because it is their favourite, or, because they thought that’s what was wanted, either way they will blow in whichever direction the wind does.

Sons of the Desert - are you single? call me!

The Blues Brothers – People who like this film are immature and misanthropic, they have no soul. Liking this film does not indicate a love of music or comedy, rather the opposite.

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