Thursday, July 10, 2008

Angela Carter

I have lately been reading the collected short stories of Angela Carter I had forgotten how impossibly good she was at times, indeed there was a time when people discussed her work, films were made of her stories, numerous theses were written and her influence wide. But she seems now to have completely fallen off the map. But still her refashioning of European fairytale and folklore is obvious as an influence on writers I read now like Gaiman and Willingham. Maybe she is discussed still, but I don't hear of it as I'm Antipodean bound, and the only literary discussion I get to hear here is:
Oh the new Peter Carey's not very good is it (to which I disagree, but without enthusiasm)
Oh isn't the new Tim Winton marvellous (this is of course said in the sure knowledge that neither of us will actually read his work).

Carted died in 1992 and I presume also that once a writer is dead that they fall away from attention, it happens to so many, who now reads Angus Wilson (that great gay stylist of the heart), Anthony Burgess (ignored apart from his least work A Clockwork whatever) or Stevie Smith (now reduced to a one liner - not waving but drowning) all of whom were considered up until the 1980s as incomparable in their oeuvre. But I suppose that is the way, some writers fade as they must and make way for the new. Who indeed remembers and has bothered to read all the one time greats of even the earlier part of the last century, HG Wells, JB Priestley, Laurie Lee, Grahame Greene, Wyndham Lewis, Aldous Huxley etc. etc. - oh yeh, I forgots that would be me.


martin said...

Hey, Edgar, get yer RSS sorted out! Then Hen i can see when you post something. M x

Edgar said...

Kay Martin, sorry I be newbie on the Internet, since '95 *looks down and shuffles backwards*

damn, I wrote a funny netizen type joke with the hide tag but the comments system wouldn't allow it (server side script not allowed), you may laugh anyway

martin said...

ok, i found the RSS thing (