Friday, November 28, 2008

Sing your life

Sing your life
Any fool can think of words that rhyme
Many others do
Why don't you?
Do you want to?
Sing your life
Walk right up to the microphone
And name
All the things you love
All the things that you loathe

Oh, sing your life
The things that you love
And the things you loathe
Oh, sing your life
Oh, sing your life

La, la-la, la-la, sing your life
La, la-la, la-la, sing your life

Others sang your life
But now is a chance to shine
And have the pleasure of
Saying what you mean
Have the pleasure of
Meaning what you sing
Oh, make no mistake my friend
All of this will end
So sing it now (sing your life)
All the things you love (sing your life)
All the things you loathe
Oh, sing your life
The things that you love
And the things you loathe (sing your life)
Oh, sing oh...
Oh, sing oh...

La, la-la, la-la, sing your life
La, la-la, la-la, sing your life

Don't leave it all unsaid
Somewhere in the wasteland of your head, oh
Head, oh, head, oh, head, oh
And make no mistake, my friend
Your pointless life will end
But before you go
Can you look at the truth?
You have a lovely singing voice
A lovely singing voice
And all of those
Who sing on-key
They stole the notion
From you and me
So, sing your life (sing your life)
Sing your life (sing your life)
Oh, sing your oh...
Oh, sing your
Sing your life
Sing your life
Sing your life
Oh, sing your oh...
- Morrissey

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Shopping the Abject

Another swimming lesson to attend, another 45 mins of outdoor creation.

The theme for this second ‘art’ installation is the discourse inherent in negotiating relationships within the context of an anti-historical present.

The piece consists of the placement/arrangement of 3 trolleys (shopping carts). The trolleys have been removed from the delineated and discrete lanes (aisles) of the supermarket and placed within a ‘natural’ environment. In this way we can negotiate their purpose without the contextual situation of commercial space. We thus can now truly see the trolley as both signifier and totem.

The trolleys have been positioned and imaged three times.

The first image of standing trolleys represents the commodification of relationships removed as they are in the West from familial or community control and historical procreational purpose. The trolleys placed in a line symbolise the commerce that is concomitant with love. We shop with our conceptual trolleys browsing society with our mental lists of desired attributes (some ours some inherited) searching for the partner commodity. When we perceive the symbolic trolley is filled, we then negotiate the emotional price and freedom we are prepared to lose/pay. The commodity purchased can thus replace/negate a self lived life and create an artificial human value (price), the exchange also potentially unequal.

The trolleys upturned represent the rejection of the commodity principle and of the necessity of competing in a denatured environment. In the prone position the trolleys are unable to be filled purposefully with the commodity we may want, but are left open for nature to fill with the potentially abject. Pushed over, the trolleys are in a ‘state of nature’ where our ‘logical’ expectations can ‘fall out’ and the fundamental elements of nature may grow around/within/thru subsuming the inorganic back into the organic. But this is also a representation of decay, the destruction of civilisation, and in essence a return to a brute master/servant scenario as opposed to the current purchaser/provider model. Thus we are given the question, if the present is unequal and the past problematic, then how may we transcend the future.

The third image wherein the trolleys have been physically removed (but the idea of trolleys is still present) represents the absence and distance inherent in the impossibility of a real knowledge of a creator god.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


When terrorism was hot.

Monday, November 24, 2008


First cake - starting simple

A house (apartment) is not a home until you've baked a cake. This here is a basic vanilla sponge that I made on Friday evening.

Friday, November 21, 2008


Having recently moved, I have made a another re-appraisal of what books to keep and bother to transport, something I have been doing for a long time, there are hundreds of books I have lost or left. I had a large collection of 'beat' books, every Kerouac, Burroughs etc., funnily enough the only ones I miss (I'm not a frequent re-reader) are those of Herbert Huncke, not a major writer, but the editions I had of his writings, generally cheap and printed in India were lovely objects (the coloured inks used on the covers of the Indian books were never strong or bold and so have this washed out quality that was lovely). His style of autobiographical writing was very gentle and flowing, he not only wrote of his life but would draw out lovingly the marginal characters he had met in the lower depths of New York. The man was a whore, thief and junky to be sure, but unlike say Genet, he was also a man of honour and charm. Another factor is of the all the beat writers I know very few (or none) of the major writers (who were all male) could write of, or describe women in any realistic way. This maybe because many were gay or were such as Kerouac simply mother complexed and Catholic. But Huncke seems to be the only one who liked and befriended women to any extent, which rounds him considerably.

2 Nice Girls

I listen to this song a lot, like a lot, and thought I should at some point share wider than the song provider.

There is a sample mp3 at:

Here is their video in .mov format

Go maybe support them somehow -

If you don't know the two songs co-joined here you deserve to be shot, seriously.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

car trouble

So whilst daughter #2 had a swimming lesson in Kambah, I made a temporary installation (just off Jenke circuit, for those Canberra bound).

The theme is the relationship between inert nature and progress.

The tire is the perfect exemplar of the liberation made possible by tapping into the earth’s energy and resources. The tire represents a dualism within modernity it is both made from oil products, but is also part of /driven by (motivated) a motor car which also runs on oil products. It is round, it contains within its shape a moving dynamism, it flows, as does its composite parts, it also allows for the moving (backwards and forwards) of associated parts to which it is affixed. It is the modern precondition of a wheel, we cannot say a wheel rim contains the function of circle or round, it is the tire which completes and defines the movement made possible by transport.

The situation of the tires – that is removed from their normal set quadrilateral situation – is linear, the far tire not receding but both becoming and dissolving.

The tires have been positioned three times.

The first image contains four tires (the number for a standard car) lying down. The positioning in this state implies a lack of dynamism, the absence of a car indicates the nullification of purpose or in fact a negation of the possibility of movement. In this position indeed the tires represent nothing so much as a set of holes. Holes that reach beyond the tires and point us back into the ground/earth from which both we and the tire materials came.

The tires standing signify movement, the tire is caught in the process of movement, our gaze has stilled them for a brief period, but we know if we look away they will roll away as if involuntary, so instilled within their self/ image is the idea of movement. The tire in its standing position also represents the dynamic progress of humans, constantly evolving and shaping the environment.

The final image, of a singular tire, within through which we can see further tires shows us the possibility of love.

In case you are unsure of where still, it's between the two strips of trees across from the street name and building (pool).

Friday, November 14, 2008

Charles at 60

Happy Birthday Your Majesty, I fucking love you btw.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

New dawn

So Obama won! yes, I know I'm a bit late in noticing, but I live far away.

Here is my list of things I expect to see change once he takes over in January, I can't believe all that effort and excitement over his campaign and eventual election will lead to nothing. I will tick them off as each is solved.

OK I admit the last is not going to happen soon.

"Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" - John Lydon, San Francisco

What will survive of us is love

Craft or Death?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


"The universe is nothing but a furtive arrangement of elementary particles. A figure in transition toward chaos. That is what will finally prevail. The human race will disappear. Other races in turn will appear and disappear. The skies will be glacial and empty, traversed by the feeble light of half-dead stars. These too will disappear. Everything will disappear. And human actions are as free and as stripped of meaning as the unfettered movement of the elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, sentiments? Pure "Victorian fictions". All that exists is egotism. Cold, intact and radiant."

Michel Houellebecq discussing HP Lovecraft here.
From his book Against the World, Against Life, 2005.

I am pace Houellebecq a firm believer in life, but I agree with the initial and final statement.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Au Pairs

After an interregnum always good to come back with a song.

Friday, November 7, 2008


I am moving to Curtin.

View Larger Map

Saturday, November 1, 2008

ACT Libraries wants you

"The ACT Library and Information Service are planning for an exciting future - and YOU are invited to assist" so go here and read their discussion paper.
Sleepovers are not apparently on the agenda.

Found objects - mask

Woolworths Erindale